Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sun is out finally

Yesterday was officially the first day of the "sea season" and even though it was kinda cloudy today we got a nice serving of the sun. When I was walking to work around 9 in the morning it was already around 25 degrees Celcius with a ridiculous amount of humidity. Of course this is nothing compared to the temprature back home - a cool 42 degrees celcius: Sun block anyone?

I think this weekend I will start preparing for the big climb to Mount Fuji (富士山) which I will be doing in two weeks. I hear the climb is tough (> 5 hours) and one needs to start climbing at night in order to catch the sunrise (so no sleep) but at the same time the view from the top is supposed to be very pretty and come on - how cool is it to be able to say "I climbed Mt. Fuji" ;)

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