Sunday, April 27, 2008

Golden Week is almost upon us...

There are flowers everywhere, the sun started to shine more often than before and the temperatures are lingering between 15 and 20 degrees Celcius. Yup, it's official - Spring is well on its way.

Golden Week, which takes place in the first week of May, is a series of consecutive one day long public holidays in Japan. For "lucky" years the first day of the 4 day long series occurs on a Monday making for a 9 day holiday (with pretty much everyone taking the Friday off either as a paid or unpaid day off). Unfortunately this year the first day falls on the worst possible day - a Saturday, cutting the holiday to only two days (Monday and Tuesday).

For me May is going to be a balancing act - a mixture of holidays and deadlines. I guess I will take it one step at a time... First target - Hakone (箱根)for the Golden Week (next weekend).

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