Sunday, November 18, 2007

A slow weekend...

Ah this was a slow weekend... Spent most of the time with laundry and shopping for groceries. I think the laundry thing is a nice change from the coin operated machines I had to use in the US. Now I get to use a proper washing machine. Granted I got the cheapest one they were selling at the electronics store (コジマ), all the buttons and the users manual is in Japanese and it is a top loading one rather than the fancy front loading ones but it feels good to be able to just walk to another room in the apartment to do the laundry. To dry off the clothes, you use hangers on two horizontal poles in the balcony. Everything was dry by the time I got back at night.

My original plan was to go back to Akihabara (秋葉原) today but I realized that I was both tired (from staying up late yesterday night) and I had not really had a chance to explore Kichijouji (吉祥寺) so after taking the bus to the train station (吉祥寺駅) I did not take the train but rather walked around. After a nice lunch/dinner/linner at Pamukkale I walked around a bit more but I feel like I still have only scratched the surface. Kichijouji is huge and I will be back soon to check out more of it.

1 comment:

Betty said...

I hear that the side-loading washers prevent that white fuss often found on winter clothes after washing, but not sure if it's true ...