Saturday, February 14, 2009

Blue Tokyo skies

In an interesting twist, winter has decided to mock with the residents of Tokyo and for today (and if forecast is true, tomorrow) it has left the scene, leaving spring in charge.  On the menu for today – blue skies and sunshine! Now the picture below is actually not taken today – I took it sometime last year but I think it gives a good approximation of the view today. I think the busses were a bit ill-equipped to deal with the high (well, relatively high, floating around 20 degrees Celsius) temperatures so the a/c which is on during the summer months was off and the bus trips felt like travelling in a greenhouse on wheels. Not that I am complaining though, the blue sky is clearly worth any inconveniences like being slightly cooked on the way to the train station…


1 comment:

Betty said...

You know, it's kind of clear your picture is from last year because it has 'Nova' in it which has gone bankrupt a while back. ;)