Sunday, April 5, 2009

Go see the cherry blossoms already!

If you live around the Tokyo area, or I think possibly in Kanto region in general this weekend is the best time to go see the cherry blossoms. I haven’t posted almost a week, I am aware of that, but I have a good reason – I was in the US attending a conference and guess what, I saw cherry blossoms even in Nashville of all places. Anyway, I will try to write about my trip and my “adventures” there including the cherry blossoms at Centennial Park and of course the “hurricane alert” which forced us to the basement of the hotel. My plate is pretty full today though so I will leave you with this and the picture of the cherry blossoms as I can see them from my apartment. I made sure the linked image is a bit bigger than the usual size so you can get a better view of the cherry blossoms :)

cherry blossom view

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