Thursday, February 25, 2010

Keeping tabs on what’s going on in Mitaka

IMG_0328Mitaka, just like any other Japanese city in the Tokyo region (and possibly in general, though I can’t say that from experience) constantly has a ton of things going on for its citizens to take part in. There are cultural events like concerts, movies, and traditional Japanese arts as well as other things like marathons, competitions, fairs, and even English or Japanese language courses. To keep track of these things one can rely on the city’s website but usually those are not the best looking or the easiest to maneuver. Instead, I pick up this little, one page, newspaper. It is published only once a month but they do a good job summarizing what will happen in the next month.  You can find them at the Mitaka Station (which is where I pick them up) or at the City Center.

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