Japan is not anything if not full of choices on pretty much anything and everything. This manifests itself not just in things like cars and electronics with many Japan-only, a.k.a. "domestic", models but even in things like types of bottles/cans available from vending machines. This is one of the prime examples I think. I personally like the "normal" sized can which is also a bottle (basically a short, fat, metallic bottle) but this one has about double the amount of coke - well, a full half a liter of it. I have seen beer cans which I think were comparable size before in the US and in Cyprus but never coke... Well, as they say - it's good to have choices. The label is another example of "interesting English". I don't think I have ever seen Coke being marketed as "uplifting" before; it must be the sugar and caffeine ;)
hmm uplifting... does Japan have those energy booster drinks that can keep you awake for a few hours despite not having slept the previous night? I don't think I've ever seen any in Japan or Japanese stores but I don't think I can recognize the kanji on them either.
I am pretty sure there are energy drinks but coffee is huge here with a whole lot of different brands and vending machines serving the coffee hot. Talking about drinks - I so should make a post about Pocari Sweat...
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