I realized I did not explain why I was waiting for a certificate of eligibility... Well, as it turns out there are two ways to get a working visa for Japan - either you take all your supporting documents including all diplomas, resume, etc. to a Japanese embassy, or you send these documents to the company you will work for and that company takes them to the local office in Japan. If you decide to go with the first option you end up waiting for the embassy to send everything to Japan and go through the process which may take up to a month. The second option just requires you to sit back and wait while the company does all the work and gets you the
Certificate of Eligibility. Basically the official word is (from
Ministry of Foreign Affairs website):
The Certificate of Eligibility has the advantage of reducing the time required to obtain a visa and complete immigration procedures, since a foreigner in possession of such a certificate can probably acquire a visa at an embassy or consulate without any inquiries being made to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, by showing the certificate to the immigration officer, obtain landing permission more easily.
You then take this certificate and it's all you need other than your passport (and a picture) to apply for the visa! You only wait for a day or so to get your visa. That being said I am getting a little impatient with waiting for the certificate. It has been about three weeks now.